
First Floor
Oneida, NY 13421


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The Oneida Health 伤口护理和高压氧医学中心 is a fully accredited Hyperbaric Center from the 海底和高压氧医学学会.

UHMS accreditation means our facility has met or exceeded the highest standards of care and patient safety through rigorous evaluation of our operations, 包括设备, staff and training to ensure that the utmost quality is maintained within the specialty of undersea and hyperbaric medicine.

UHMS AccreditationParticipating in the UHMS accreditation program is voluntary and takes months of preparation. 我们的澳门在线赌城娱乐团队, nurses, technicians and management worked together prior to the accreditation survey to ensure compliance with UHMS-related standards of practice and safety measures. 访问我们设施的调查组由一名澳门在线赌城娱乐组成, 护士及技术员, 他们都擅长高压氧治疗. 尽管他们的角色包括详细的查询, they came as colleagues in a specialty committed to success in achieving the highest standards in quality of care and safety for patients. The UHMS and its accredited facilities share the vision of helping facilities succeed in the field of hyperbaric medicine.



欢迎来到奥内达健康伤口护理和高压氧医学中心. 我们致力于治愈伤口, 预防下肢丧失,优化患者预后.

If you or a loved one has a wound that is of concern or is not healing properly, 我们鼓励您到伤口中心进行评估.

A wound that is not healing properly may be complicated by underlying conditions such as diabetes, 血液循环问题或既往放射治疗. Sometimes, the simplest of wounds can turn into a significant problem because the body’s normal healing process is affected. 其他类型的难以愈合的伤口是由压力、创伤或感染造成的. Non-healing wounds can have serious health consequences and may adversely affect your quality of life.

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作为综合性伤口愈合中心, we specialize in the treatment of all types of non-healing and difficult-to-heal wounds including:

  • 糖尿病足溃疡
  • Venous ulcers
  • Pressure ulcers
  • 无法愈合的手术伤口
  • 动脉缺血性溃疡/
  • 放射治疗的后期效应
  • Traumatic wounds
  • Infected wounds
  • Crush injuries
  • 受损的皮瓣或移植物

请与澳门在线赌城娱乐伤口护理和高压氧医学中心联系 315-361-2268 了解我们如何帮助您或您所爱的人.


The Oneida Health 伤口护理和高压氧医学中心 provides care to those suffering from non-healing wounds in a way no other provider can – all in one location. A comprehensive Wound Healing Center is a coordinated outpatient center that utilizes the latest techniques and procedures to provide the best chance of healing.


伤口中心病房病人Our wound healing center is staffed with a multidisciplinary team of physicians, 还有受过高级伤口护理培训的护士和技术人员, 谁将定制最有效的治疗方案来促进愈合.

由普通澳门在线赌城娱乐组成, 血管和整形外科澳门在线赌城娱乐, 足病澳门在线赌城娱乐和传染病澳门在线赌城娱乐, our team is dedicated to providing the most advanced healing options to patients, 让他们尽快完全恢复.

作为伤口愈合专家, our clinicians have a proven track record of healing wounds – even those that have not responded to other treatments.


我们的伤口护理方法是积极和全面的, coordinating traditional and advanced therapies and techniques that are proven to reduce healing time and improve healing rates.

因为无法愈合的伤口很少是由单一原因造成的, we begin with a thorough evaluation and diagnostic testing to determine the underlying cause of the wound. A treatment plan is then developed to give patients the best chance for healing. Most treatments are covered by Medicare/Medicaid, HMOs and other private insurance. 根据伤口的类型,治疗方案可能包括:

  • Infection control
  • 血流恢复
  • 清创(清除坏死组织)
  • Offloading
  • 高压氧(HBO)治疗
  • 细胞和组织产品(皮肤替代品)
  • 压缩疗法
  • 脚重建
  • Skin graft or flap


伤口中心澳门在线赌城娱乐咨询你的治疗过程取决于你的伤口类型. During your first visit, our staff will evaluate your wound and review your medical history. You may also need special tests that give us information about circulation and infection. 这将有助于确定你需要什么样的治疗过程.

一旦制定了治疗计划, you will visit the wound healing center weekly for specialized treatments and documentation of your healing progress. Keeping appointments and following directions are critical to attaining a positive healing outcome. 你可以做一些事情来帮助你的康复:

  • 在伤口护理小组的指导下在家护理你的伤口
  • 按医嘱服药
  • 回来进行后续预约
  • Keep regular appointments with your primary care physician while you are receiving wound care treatment

Following your treatment is the single most important factor in your healing.

请不要犹豫与我们联系 315-361-2268 了解更多关于我们的澳门在线赌城娱乐或治疗方案.

We’re happy to clarify anything you feel uncertain about regarding the wound care treatment process.

Have a Question? 了解更多,澳门在线赌城娱乐


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a treatment in which the patient breathes 100% pure oxygen while inside a pressurized chamber. The air pressure inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber is about two and a half times greater than the normal pressure in the atmosphere. This “hyperbaric” (or high pressure) dose of oxygen helps your blood carry more oxygen to your organs and tissues to promote wound healing. 它还能激活白细胞来对抗感染.

Patients typically receive hyperbaric oxygen therapy five days a week for approximately four to six weeks. One treatment takes about two hours and is quite comfortable for most patients.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be used as part of the treatment for certain conditions,  包括以下内容:

  • 无法愈合的伤口,如糖尿病足溃疡
  • 慢性骨感染(慢性难治性骨髓炎)
  • 放射治疗对皮肤或骨骼造成的损伤
  • 不能愈合的皮肤移植和皮瓣
  • Crush injuries
  • 一氧化碳中毒
  • 突发性感音神经性听力丧失
  • 视网膜中央动脉闭塞


伤口中心室An Oneida Health 伤口护理和高压氧医学中心 staff member will tell you how many treatments you will need. 在治疗期间,你可以看电视、看电影或打个盹.

会给你一件病号服,让你在病房里穿. No cosmetics, perfumes, hair preparations, deodorants, wigs, 室内允许携带珠宝或电子设备. 大多数心脏起搏器都是允许进入心室的. The hyperbaric technologist will need to know if you are taking any medications, 包括非处方药. You are advised not to drink alcohol or carbonated beverages for four hours prior to treatment.

Smoking and the use of tobacco products interferes with the body’s ability to transport oxygen. Therefore, your doctor will work with you on techniques to help stop smoking during the treatment period.

Following your treatment plan is the single most important factor in your healing.

对高压氧治疗程序有疑问吗? Contact us at: 315-361-2268 来了解更多的信息.

Have a Question? 了解更多,澳门在线赌城娱乐